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- From: Guido <alpha@flashnet.it>
- To: Bo Arnholm <arnis@tripnet.se>,
- Ruud Hoekzema <rhoek@xs4all.nl>,
- Wolfgang Lug <Lug@stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de>
- bjbjoern@online.no,
- Mika.Leinonen@oulu.fi
- Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 03:01:50 +0100
- Message-ID: <yam7573.2539.137607104@mail.flashnet.it>
- In-Reply-To: <yam7570.2433.121628856@mail4.tripnet.se>
- X-Mailer: YAM 1.3.5 [040] - Amiga Mailer by Marcel Beck
- Subject: Re: About Wolfgang Lug
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain
- 23-Sep-98, Bo Arnholm wrote:
- >I too feel real bad about that email-conversation in early August.
- Could I read this email conversation?
- >And I now I realize it's not the first time that Wolfgang tried . . .
- >Some years ago I got a letter from Wolfgang's mother. She said that Wolfgang
- >was in a bad state at a hospital and that there was no idea to continue
- >working on AmigaWorld . . .
- I remember Wolfgang's mother wrote this letter also to me and Wolfgang has
- never explained nothing...
- >#I think, to honour Wolfgang you and the translators could send a #
- >#condolatory card to Wolfgang's mother. #
- >#Her address is: Ursula Lug, Am Rinzler 4, D-78465 Konstanz.#
- Yes, of course. I think we should inform also Urban Muller and all AMINET
- users... Bo, you could be the right person, since you have known Wolfgang
- personally...
- I've no words..... At first I was thinking about a joke.... What could be
- happened so bad? Maybe Wolfgang had decided to give up Amigaworld project and
- buy a PENTIUM 3000.... This could be a very bad news.... but when I realized
- really the truth I thought that this cannot be the truth.... it cannot be a
- suicide.... I remember all the talkings by letter (then email) between us....
- I remember that he IS an intelligent boy, likes very much his political
- science studies, very entusiastic about AmigaWorld project..... Should be
- another explanation..... No kind of depression can cause such a desperate
- action....
- leave life, family, friends, interesting university studies..... AMIGA and
- AMIGAWORLD project.....
- No words, again... and such a big sadness......
- However, if truly Wolfgang decided to die himself, I would tell him,
- everywhere he is, that I'm very angry with him..... Suicide is an easy way to
- solve all problems without considering that parents and friends remain alone
- and desperate trying to find an explanation.....
- Wolfgang will live forever in our thoughts....
- See you later all of you.
- Guido Alfani.
- I'd like to remember Wolfgang with this last inedit email he sent me on late
- June about the bad Amiga situation.... a presage??
- **************************************************************
- Return-Path: <Lug@stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de>
- Received: from Stud-Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE (Stud-Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
- [])
- by star.flashnet.it (8.9.0/8.9.0) with ESMTP id VAA11825
- for <alpha@flashnet.it>; Sat, 27 Jun 1998 21:53:34 +0200
- Received: from Lug (sppp009.Stud-PPP.Uni-Marburg.DE [])
- by Stud-Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id VAA35870
- for <alpha@flashnet.it>; Sat, 27 Jun 1998 21:53:23 +0200
- Received: by Lug.UUCP (Amiga SMTPpost 1.04 December 9, 1994)
- id AA01; Sat, 27 Jun 98 21:52:52
- From: Wolfgang Lug <Lug@stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de>
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- X-Mailer: Serious Voodoo 1.280 (Registered to Wolfgang Lug
- <lugwolfg@ruf.uni-freiburg.de>)
- In-Reply-To: <yam7482.334.136860016@mail.flashnet.it>
- Subject: Re: ATO
- Date: Sat, 27 Jun 1998 21:51:49 (+0100)
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
- To: alpha@flashnet.it
- Message-ID: <19980627.7E46C48.13DDC@Lug.UUCP>
- X-UIDL: 81a712c10724b5cc0813e7343a7857cc
- On Sat, 27 Jun 1998 01:31:06 +0100, you wrote:
- >
- > You seem a little depressed because of the Amiga problems..... so please
- read
- > these texts before buying PCione......
- >
- Hi Guido!
- I just browsed through the pages that you sent me. I can agree with every
- single word, and I really like AmigaOS---actually, that's why I use this
- computer...
- But it seems that this OS does not have any future: Amiga, Inc. has announced
- to release Amiga OS 4.x this year. It will be built around another OS, so
- there is no more Exec, no more "s:" directory, maybe there won't even be
- datatypes anymore. Workbench will be completely different, too. I guess that
- I will not be able to port AmigaWorld to this machine. And all the software
- that I have installed now won't work on this machine.
- So it is quite clear that software for the existing, great AmigaOS won't be
- developed anymore as soon as this new version is out. Developers will write
- programs for AmigaOS 4.x, and I would have to buy myself a new computer to run
- them.
- And if this happens, I probably will buy a Wintel computer and not an Amiga,
- that is not an Amiga anymore.
- Best Wishes (anyway),
- Wolfgang
- --
- //
- Wolfgang Lug //
- // (Lug@stud-mailer.uni-marburg.de)
- \\ // (Tel. +49-6421-63161)
- \//
- ********************************************************************
- The author of this email killed himself a month later.... It cannot be
- true....
- Why havent you Wolfgang told us anything?
- No words, again.... and such a big sadness....
- ********************************************************************